12.01. „Wake The Town…!“ ls. Higher Level (SB)

Wake The Town And Tell The People! A new year, same story! Every second Saturday of the month Jackpot & Guests bring you the best in Reggae and Dancehall music! In January we’re proud to feature Higher Level Sound from weiterlesen 12.01. „Wake The Town…!“ ls. Higher Level (SB)

08.12. Wake The Town! 8 Years Jackpot Sound!

Wake The Town And Tell The People! Cause it’s Jackpots 8th Birthday! Aus Malmö Schweden präsentieren wir euch zum mitlerweile 3. mal the big bad Million Vibes Sound! Short story about Jackpot: 2002 – Nach kleineren Projekten und der Ansammlung weiterlesen 08.12. Wake The Town! 8 Years Jackpot Sound!

10.11.2012 „Wake The Town…!“

Mainz get ready for the november edition of „Wake The Town“ alongside the big bad Stingray Disco all the way from Cologne. Hosted by the „The Boom Tune Machine“ Jackpot Sound like every second saturday of the month. Mek sure weiterlesen 10.11.2012 „Wake The Town…!“